[বাংলা] A brief history of Father’s Day celebration outside Catholic traditions in the U.S.

4 mins | 14 Aug 2018

মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে ক্যাথলিক ঐতিহ্যের বাইরে বাবা দিবস উদযাপনের একটি সংক্ষিপ্ত ইতিহাস

In the Roman Catholic tradition, fathers are celebrated on Saint Joseph’s Day, commonly called the Feast of Saint Joseph, March 19, though in certain countries Father’s Day has become a secular celebration. It is also common for Catholics to honour their “spiritual father,” their parish priest, on Father’s Day.

Suggested videos and further reading:
Father’s Day HD

Catholic Father’s Day: St Joseph and The Beatitudes
‘St. Joseph’s Feast on March 19 is a kind-of “Catholic Father’s Day,” an opportunity for Catholic men and the women who love them to reflect on what it means to be a father after The Father’s own heart.’

Is it permissible in Islam to celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day?
‘Islam does not recognize the concept of Father’s Day and Mother’s Day. In fact, to single out just one day of the year to honour our fathers and mothers is an embarrassment and humiliation to our parents. Every single moment of our lives is for our fathers and our mothers. Shariah has placed much emphasis on the rights of parents.’

Father’s Day: Let us not confine it to one day only | India Post
‘For Hindus everyday is Father’s Day as for us, Pitru Devo Bhav. We worship three father figures and pay our utmost respect to them. We start our day by paying of our respect to Para Brahma the Eternal Creator and Father of this universe, and the genetic father who gives us this precious life. Trinity, the three forms of Ultimate (Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh) are also father figures.’

Father’s Day
‘Father’s Day is a celebration honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society. In Catholic Europe, it has been celebrated on March 19 (St. Joseph’s Day) since the Middle Ages.’