[বাংলা] Mother Teresa of Calcutta: The nun who became a saint
5 mins | 28 Oct 2018
কলকাতার মাদার তেরেসা – মঠবাসিনী যিনি একজন সন্ত হলেন
Mother Teresa, known in the Roman Catholic Church as Saint Teresa of Calcutta, was an Albanian-Indian Roman Catholic nun and missionary. She was born in Skopje, then part of the Kosovo Vilayet of the Ottoman Empire.
Suggested videos and further reading:
Acceptance Speech by Mother Teresa Media Player at Nobelprize org
Mother Teresa Biography
‘Mother Teresa was the founder of the Order of the Missionaries of Charity, a Roman Catholic congregation of women dedicated to helping the poor. Considered one of the 20th Century’s greatest humanitarians, she was canonized as Saint Teresa of Calcutta in 2016.’
Sisters of Loreto
‘The Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose members are commonly known as the Sisters of Loreto, is a Roman Catholic religious congregation of women dedicated to education…’